
I’m amused as hell over the colossal bad judgment of nearly all of Sherlock’s friends in regards to their relationships like

John: *gets into cars with total stranger women because?  He doesn’t fear getting axe-murdered???  And he hits on them??*

John: *accidentally marries an assassin*

Molly: *accidentally dates the world’s greatest criminal mind*

Mrs. Hudson: *accidentally married a cartel leader*

Sherlock: I’ve got to protect my dumb friends they keep trying to marry psychopaths when I’m not looking.  **SUSPICIOUSLY EYES LESTRADE** 

Lestrade: What?

Sherlock: Don’t you start.

Johnlock Arc and Wilde: Trauma, Forgiveness, and Hope


For those who asked: Isn’t Oscar Wilde connections, the final proof of Johnlock end game because the subtext is getting incredibly richer? I say yes maybe, but more than that.

Past two weeks, have brought a transformative threshold in the way I see the entire Johnlock arc in Sherlock. As I personally went deeper into reading Wilde’s life, his works other than the famous ones, his trial transcripts, letters and details of his love for Bosie, Lord Douglas, I realized that the way we relate Johnlock’s significance as a historical hommage, right doing to ACD and the way it brings visibility to LGBTQIAP issues is not complete without incorporating the Wilde side of the story, and that is why I think we are getting the SH special.

There is a tragedy that lies in Wilde’s story. It is a rupture in history. This tragedy is larger than itself because it started a new fearful period until the very present day for gay love stories. More on this.

An  intelligent, literary and artistic soul was separated from his social status, his works and his real self because of his love for another man and because he didn’t stop loving him. He was betrayed by John Sholto Douglas, his lover’s father, was put on trial, prosecuted and was criminalized to spend two years of his life and risk his sanity under hard labour. This was not fiction, he was not one part of a fictional couple, it was real life. A psychological torture that haunted him later and led him to his death very soon after he was released. 

Wilde lost his connections and he even feared that his readers wouldn’t like his work so he published The Ballad of Reading Gaol under the pen name C.3.3 – on the meaning of C.3.3 related meta here.

Now, let’s think: Gatiss, Moffat and Thompson are writing this incredibly rich, layered masterpiece. For the average viewer, it is a Sherlock Holmes modern day adaptation. But for the fandom, it is an iceberg that contains an underworld, that is about to surface because the climate is changing and the ice is melting.

ACD’s Holmes and Watson, despite the million details that were left out, for the trained eye is a happily ever after story, only lived far from the sight of harmful eyes. Doyle in a way wrote what Wilde and Douglas, and many others like them, could have been. Like Gatiss and Moffat’s deep subtextual narrative, Doyle created a secret love story, “a love that dare not speak its name” but recognizable to the eyes that can see. The two men sharing the same passions, making each other incredibly happy and fulfilled. But isn’t it what Wilde longed for?

From Wilde to Douglas after his release from the prison:

“Everyone is furious with me for going back to you, but they don’t understand us. I feel that it is only with you that I can do anything at all. Do remake my ruined life for me, and then our friendship and love will have a different meaning to the world.” source

So we mostly think, Moftiss is the source of light, conductor of light whatever fits -they absolutely are don’t get me wrong- but for people who lived in fear in Victorian England, ACD was a conductor of light at the end of the tunnel because the possibility of Holmes and Watson was their dream we find in current day Sherlock. When we think from this perspective, Moftiss is not merely boldly speculating on ACD’s work. They are lighting a torch on what Doyle did for tragedies of his own time. That is why, my perception of the Johnlock arc is different now. It is not if they will go for it or not on the show, it is there, ACD did it, subtly and secretly.

So subtly that it needs another set of creative minds from a different century to peel off the layers. That is why Wilde references are everywhere in Sherlock. Moftiss can’t separate it from ACD’s work. They are not just contemporaneous, their worlds live in one another.

Making of Sherlock is much more than the story of elevating the original canon, which many think was ambiguous, to a level, that we think it deserves. It is a show also historically situating the original canon in its place, the place it already was at. 

The sign of three, the buttonholes that were works of art in Wilde’s joyous days, the C block of the Pentonville, the prisoner waiting on the death row, the terror of loving the improbable one, the monstrous real John Sholto who caused Wilde’s Fall from grace, turning into two halves of a love story in the hands Moftiss...Each man killing the thing they love, from Moriarty to Sherlock, from John to Sholto but also bringing them back for closure. 

It is rehabilitation, it is forgiveness of the society, it is hope, it is continuing what Conan Doyle started.

And finally from Wilde “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”


Related Sherlock – Wilde metas here  here and here

Also, on TSoT, when Mary was talking to John just before he shaved his mustache off- she called Sherlock ‘his nibs’, right? 

According to, his nibs is a 

“a mildly derisive mock title used to refer to a self-important man, especially one in authority. It’s modeled after the pattern of references to the British aristocracy, such as his lordship. It is still around, though sounding a little old-fashioned and is still capable of giving mild offence:

     “It was one of my ministers, actually,” said Dr Simms, “but he didn’t realize it was I who answered the phone. ‘Is his nibs in?’ asked the junior clergyman rather gruffly. ‘I’m afraid,’ I said, ‘this is his nibs speaking.’ The poor man, of course, was very embarrassed, but I couldn’t help having a little laugh to myself.”  The Songman, by Tommy Sands, 2005.” [x]

So even then she was making fun of Sherlock.

…sorry, probably already pointed out and studied and taken apart by many people much more experienced than me in this sort of thing, but I just had to note it down, for me. 

Just rewatched TSoT- heart breaking as usual. 

But there’s SO. MUCH. MORE. there every single time I see it! At the end, when Sherlock was leaving the wedding- his face DID look agonized. See?

Someone tell me that’s not a face in pain. If i knew how to make gifs, I’d do it, but I don’t, so I’m hoping someone else will. See?

Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates – testosterone_tea – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]


Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: Sharing a Bed, accidental bed sharing, It’s an experiment, Insecure Sherlock, 5+1 Things, 5 Times, giveaway prize, Bedbugs, Head Injury, Science Experiments, PTSD John

5 times Sherlock had an excuse to share John’s bed, and the one time he didn’t need one.

Bed-Sharing Between Flatmates – testosterone_tea – Sherlock (TV) [Archive of Our Own]

*two gays are in a relationship*
Church: That’s a sin! We are okay with ppl being gay but they can’t do those gay things.
*two homoromantic asexuals are in a sexless relationship*
Church: …
Church: It’s cheating.

So I woke up this morning in a pool of my own blood.







Wait, let me back up.

Hi, my name is Cara and I’m a 21 year old woman. Every 28 days, give or take, I have a period. And it fucking sucks. Today, was one of those where I take from the 28 day cycle. I wasn’t due for another period for at least a week, but considering that my period is pretty much permanently irregular, I get to wake up a lot of mornings in a pool of my own blood. Hmm. Lovely.

I then proceed to dump my sheets, my underwear, and my pajamas in my laundry room in a tub filled with cold water, with the hopes that this time I haven’t ruined them permanently.

What next? Well, a shower of course! To wipe off the smell of rotting blood from my body! Squeaky clean and towel fresh I have about a two minute window before the volcano of blood begins to erupt again from my vagina.

What will it be today? A piece of chlorinated toilet paper cardboard with a string that I get to shove up my hole wherein the blood will sit and rot until the next time I can shove another piece of chlorinated cardboard up the same hole? Or, a plastic lined toilet paper diaper attached to my underwear that causes rug burn to my vaginal area when I walk? Well the later requires less coordination, and it is early, so I guess I’ll be sitting in a period diaper today. The best ever.

Of course, I could always just get birth control, and lessen this whole shit. But 1) I can’t afford it 2) I can’t ask my dad to pay for it because, guess what? Just like the men who run my government, my father correlates birth control with sexual promiscuity! Thus, sitting on my rotting blood, undergoing severe cramps that have on more than one occasion caused me to black out, it is! (Not that birth control is such a walk in the park either, our bodies have to learn to deal with the hormones and other chemicals and consequences that birth control entails.)

Then, I get to go to class, where I have to pretend that I am not a leaky faucet of blood and tissue. I get to sit in Calculus, and if heaven forbid, I need an additional pad, I have to be discrete about it, so as not to offend the men’s gentle sensibilities to the fact that I am the one dropping tissues and blood from my body through my vagina.  

I once asked a male to take me to the pharmacy so that I could pick up (GASP) pads, or as we like to call it “feminine products” (again, so as not to offend the gentlemen’s overly sensitive natures) and had him equate me talking about my period to him talking about his erections.







This is nothing like your fucking erection’s. I don’t derive any enjoyment from this. I can’t mentally control any ounce of this entire process. I can’t masturbate my problem away. My period does not end in orgasm.

It stays. For at least five days in my case. Draining blood out of my body. Causing me severe cramps, making me irritable -not because I’m uncomfortable (which mind you, would be reason enough) – but because my hormones are all over the place, bloating me up to two sizes larger than I normally am, I have to actively fight not to smell like a fish market, and on top of that, you want me to be hush-hush about this? Because it’s icky for you?

And this is not an attack on that one man, this is an attack on ALL MEN who on top of sitting on their throne of gender privilege want me to stay quiet and be content about the fact that five days out of every month I get to undergo this happiest of joys.

And then, these very same men have the audacity to get annoyed because we don’t want to listen to their bullshit complaining about traffic? Or whatever other meaningless story they happen to tell us while our bodies are actively fighting against us? Then we get to be the butt of their tired-ass jokes? Sorry, I am most certainly not sorry.

I repeat NO. I say women come out of the period closet and say, “You know what, this happens to me. Every. Fucking. Month. And it’s terrible. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY MORNING.” Because the truth is, if I live in a country where Viagra is covered by medical insurance, but birth control isn’t, I can no longer keep denying that I live in a country that is actively waging a war on women. And if I live in a country that is actively waging war on my sex, the least I am going to do is break patriarchal social propriety to inform anyone and everyone of the shit biological process I was BLESSED enough to be born into.

Hello, my name is Cara, I’m a 21 year old woman, and today I’m on my period. Let me fucking tell you about it.

hello yes this is a good post


Im ganna reblog this twice because hell hell hell yeah!!!!!!!!!

