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Here it is, The Great Divide long-form. Rest in power, and in peace – Keisha Jenkins and Adam Kizer.

I had to employ some trickery/finagling to get this whole strip up in this format because Tumblr felt it was too long. It IS pretty damn long and I can already hear the “GET THIS OFF MY FEED” responses.

I can definitely compact it so this isn’t as overwhelming, the only downside is it will create additional clicks and keystrokes – as compared to how it is now as one long scroll.

WELP…that didn’t work! Currently I have two options – I can upload  just 10 or the 11 pages. Or I can upload the last two as one file – which Tumblr is compressing (read: ruining).  I’m going to see if there’s a work around – maybe if I decrease the size?  Blah.


like there was ASiB when lestrade showed up after the CIA dudes broke in and then there was TEH when lestrade just hugged sherlock when he came back from the dead and didn’t get mad at him and then there was TSoT when lestrade showed up when sherlock needed help for the best man speech and clearly all of this means something to sherlock because inside his own head in TAB lestrade is the one who helps him dig in the graveyard

Fans and fandom.



Seeing a lot of posts over the weekend about fans and fandom more or less implying things like ‘how to be a fan’ and ‘how NOT to be a fan’. Or even ‘you can’t be a fan if you do this or that’. Just felt like putting my two penn’orth in to the mix. 

You can be a fan of one thing or many. You can do it your way and let others do it theirs. You don’t have to love every film or TV show an actor makes to be a fan. You don’t have to have SEEN every TV show or film either. You don’t have to feel your heart racing over every photoshoot they appear in. You don’t have to wholeheartedly agree with every word that comes out of their mouths. You don’t have to be a fan of the things they are a fan of. And you don’t have to freakishly adore every person the actor is friends or family with, whether by choice of circumstance. 

You can still call yourself a fan. Even if you have just seen one film or one episode of a TV show and enjoyed it. No one has the right to tell you you’re not, simply because you don’t have cartoon hearts coming out of your eyes 24 hours a day. Do it your way. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

You like it? You crave more of it? You’re a fan. That simple.


Black Mass Pictures – Benedict Cumberbatch Behind the Scenes pt 5 – (x)

Get the rest here: (pt 1) (pt 2) (pt 3) (pt 4) (pt 5)

wait wait- I know this is behind-the-scenes for Back Mass movie (which I haven’t seen) but…why is Benedict Cumberbatch wearing a green carnation and a green tie and a resist button?? Why?